My blog will be focusing on two signposts one contrast and contradiction and one memory moment.
While I read The Giver by Lois Lowry there have been many memories. The main memory I will focus on is when Jonas was volunteering at the house of old and Larissa gave details on, Roberto's, release. Why might this memory be important? This memory is important because it gives us a description of the release ceremony for the old. In chapter four Larissa says “They told his whole life before they released him.” This gives us vivid detail on the releasing of the old ceremony. We still don't know what happens after or where they go but I believe that release for the old basically means death. Sadly it may mean the same for the release of newborns because whenever it's mentioned the characters have depressed feelings.
Another signpost is a contrast and contradiction. In The Giver there are tons of contrasts and contradictions One contrast and contradiction that caught my eye is when Lily says the kids were acting like animals in chapter one. The weird thing about this is that they don't know what an animal is. Why is the character doing that? Well in chapter three page 21 Lily asks her father “what's his comfort object called?” Her father then replies with hippo. This brings up a lot of questions just two chapters ago neither child knew what an animal is but somehow the father knows what Lily meant. This makes no sense because since Jonas was an eleven and he was about to finish school and yet he never learned what the word animal really meant besides someone crazy. I believe that animals are either confined in one are kind of like a state park or they call animals by a different name like how kids are called by their age.